As some of you know, my Dad Morrie was the techy guy in the Hollywood Saxophone Quartet. When they practiced at our house, he would sometimes record them. I don't remember the machine that cut the 78's very well - but I've seen pictures of it and it is vaguely familiar.
He saved thirty two 78 home recorded records, in 3 albums. We've digitized them for you. Some of the records are not in good shape. Some of the recordings have a lot of hiss and pop. But SOME of them are amazingly good!
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"MARKS JAZZ". There were two recordings of this piece on the 78s. This is the better of the two, but if you listen closely, it is still not perfect. I've transcribed sheet music from this recording (writing out music from the recoding is my one-and-only superpower) . By the way, I love this tune. I can't stop listening to it. I think it's amazing that we discovered it on the old 78s hidden in the closet.
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